

I often write about current events and a few are worth revisiting. When Fukushima happened the internet had not yet been censored, information was still available, and i happened to be awake as it happened. So i was able to pull up the plans of the nuclear plant and determine that full meltdown had destroyed the cores within hours of the ‘tsunami’. It took them well over a year before they fully admitted it. Now that we’re under near complete censorship, it is difficult to determine anything, including weather, reported outside of our direct line-of-sight. For those of you who missed the short golden years of the internet, i offer The Chessboard as somewhat of a condolence. It is a 21 page rant motivated by the Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico on April 20, 2010.

 The Fukushima disaster generated its share of rants on my part, one of which is included; a 5/12/2011 update, two months after it happened. By the time they admitted that they knew all along that containment had been breached on the first day, no one was paying attention, including all those who denigrated the simple and obvious research demonstrating it in favor of embracing the official lie. Not much has changed.

Eat Mud and Smoke is a short article explaining how to stay healthy during meltdowns. And while i spin off satirical articles on a regular basis, only one is included here, a news article describing the sudden disappearance of Covid. Finally, in case someone is wondering how to treat those odd spaces between where people build stuff? Since there is nowhere left in America where nature is left alone, leaving a place ‘natural’ causes huge problems; so here is a one-pager on Managing Fringe Woodland and Shouldering Streams.