Observations are just that. They cover physics, politics, economics, ethics, and ants. Yes, ants.
Starting with physics, why is it that no one asks What is a Wave? Or argues for a Flat Earth instead of against it? Perhaps we need to peruse Physical Reality for Simple Scientists to get the basics… after which we will be well qualified for serious articles such as Of Spheres, the Law, and the Monkey’s Madness.
Economics, on the other hand, can get rather dicey without some Simple Financing. There are a few classic articles here such as A Typical AP Financial Article from November ‘08. It is listed to demonstrate the fact that nothing has changed in the reporting of finances, as well as a 2010 EU Hedge Fund Article Comments and 2012 Comment on Europe Finances. All to show that when crooks get obese, they are Too Big To Fail.
Far more interesting are the Society papers, so to speak. They cover everything from Infrastructure to Tobacco Pennies. But bear in mind that There Is No Delete Button and you can lose your sense of Scale in News, Politics, & Religion. So don’t get depressed by the Pentagon Problem or the lack of Population Panic Relief; just sit back and enjoy Intellectually Challenged Citizens Finally Vindicated by Being Right. Maybe you were fooled by the idea that you are Going to Heaven. If all else fails, you can join The Fool of the World and the Flying Ship.
On the personal level, we can learn what kind of conversations are right now occurring in our body by reading Healing is Instantaneous. And a quick look at the Free Will contradiction and what it means to Want can keep us from participating in A Misshapen Morality. Finally, a comment on Godliness and how dangerous it is, a cleanup of the subject of Law, and the simple fact that We Depend On What We Don’t Know.
Perhaps you just want to Learn English.
And once learned, perhaps you will be ready to engage in the Art of Thinking. But be careful. You may have to think.
And just for those of us who like visual things like carrots and videos, here is a 15 minute video of the actual physical Matrix you live on if you are in North America.
The grid is not a myth. It’s physical.