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Protomorphology by Royal Lee

Protomorphology by Royal Lee


THE 1947 EDITION OF PROTOMORPHOLOGY remains as relevant today as when it was published, albeit for different reasons. We have put together this edition in view of both its informational and historical value. The text is not altered or revised in any manner; fonts are used that simulate as closely as possible the original, and the exact same pagination is used with only the first or last sentence slipping forward or backward as suits the formatting. The entire work was painstakingly typed from a copy of the original; archaic spellings and punctuation, are preserved rather than being corrected, and the drawings were cleaned up without ‘fixing’ them, as the flavor of the illustrations can be considered to be as valuable as the information it carries. There were a number of errors (thirty-four) made in the original edition, and these are listed in order on the following page. The reader is thus assured that what he reads is as faithful as possible to the original publication. The editors present this, neither promulgating or dismissing its discoveries and conclusions, but with the recognition of its value in the rapidly diminishing field of foundational research.

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