Online Classes

 Online classes for Eber’s Language are offered periodically. These provide the history behind what became Ancient Hebrew as well as its place among other ancient and classic languages. Upcoming classes will be posted here and in the Book Shop as they are scheduled.

Videos from the Spring 2022 Session was held for five consecutive weeks on Sundays via Zoom video are available in the Book Shop. Materials for each class were emailed directly to the participants. Mark Vedder introduces you to the language of Eber and guides you through the essential concepts, tools, and techniques.

Eber’s language expresses a way of life embodied by tribal cultures throughout history. The contrast between tribal culture and the ‘civilized’ world of empire can be seen in the contrasts of their linguistic protocols. We focus on Ancient Hebrew because one of the objects of these sessions is to learn to understand what the Old Testament says. Yet in no way is the discussion limited to merely learning to interpret text: If we are able to step outside in the morning, face the sun, breathe deeply, and say, “thank you,” then we are able to understand the word Shlum (peace). If not, then all the study in the world will get us no closer to peace. Eber’s language is an approach to thinking that allows an understanding based, instead of on religion or on philosophy, on the human body.

Eber, the son of Shelah and the father of Peleg (and Abraham’s great great great great grandfather) outlived Abraham by four years. The traditions he established in his 464 year life have affected us ever since. The word ‘Hebrew’ is not just derived from his name, it is exactly the same word. The original traditions of Eber were maintained for over six hundred years until Israel demanded a king, beginning their switch from tribal culture to empire. But by this time enough of the traditions had been transcribed (a great deal by Moses, who himself transitioned from Egyptian empire over to Midian then Israeli tribal culture) to allow us to piece together the strangely passionate language of the land, a Living God who interacts very emotionally with us, and our own bodies. This passion disappears in civilized empire culture. It is hidden in Eber’s language. This passion is what each individual letter is waiting to teach us.

In these sessions we thoroughly introduce the letters, their meanings, and the resources that make reading or translating Eber’s language possible for the beginner.