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New Darby Version

New Darby Version

from $5.00

The New Darby Version combines one of the best translations made in the English language (1884) with the ease of modern speaking. The distinctions made between using you (plural) and thou (singular) are still there; the pronouns are marked for you. In fact, nothing has been changed except vocabulary words; the New Darby Version is as precisely like his original as possible. It is available for reproduction in large parts as only the copyright for the publication of the whole is retained. John Nelson Darby's translation combines a breathtakingly accurate rendition combined with easy readability and beauty; it is a copy that you will find yourself reaching for again and again. Suitable for study, leisure reading, or public forums, this edition is neither a scan nor a copy; it is a word-for-word transcription and the result of years of work. The purist who loves JND's archaic version can flip to the Appendix and find a list of every single word that has been changed. The only thing this edition lacks (stay tuned though) is Darby's footnotes; however it does have the most complete collection of his Bible introductions ever published in English. To present as comfortable a read as possible in one volume, the Old Testament is in nicely sized 9-point, and the New Testament has a generous 10-point type. Darby's translated directly from the Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek without depending on a 'critical text' (a particular work presenting the best possible combination of variant readings) in a day when this demanded actually going and visiting each manuscript where it was being held. His Greek prowess was legendary, and there are many passages in the New Testament where the sense given in his translation is still head and shoulders above the rest . . . after 130 years. Reluctant to displace the King James Version in his day, he held back from publishing the Bible in English until near the end of his life; his German and French translations are landmarks. This translation comes very highly recommended by those who read as a daily habit and require a translation that both conveys the beauty of scripture and the precision of meaning.

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Some one and one-third centuries have passed since Darby penned his introduction to the French version of the Scriptures (1881), which introduction was translated into English for the 1889 English version which has in the interim become known as “the JND translation”. The translation itself needs no introduction, being one of the top five English translations to date, despite the best efforts of man to supersede the work of the Spirit.

In this regard it might be useful to mention in passing a most remarkable work by God. For over a century, the JND translation was enjoyed by a relatively small number of Christians, and was unknown to God`s people at large. Then with the advent of the internet, there was a sudden need to have God`s Word freely available online for discussions, websites, articles, and the like. The immediate problem was that all the mainstream translations had a copyright, and thus could not be used. Aside from the KJV, only two suitable translations stood out from the crowd: Young`s Literal Translation, and the JND translation. By the time the others got their act together and made online versions available, it was too late. The YLT and the JND had gone from obscure to being used on virtually every forum.

What then was lacking was the availability of printed copies that would answer a growing demand. It is also noted that the majority of seekers, not being familiar with archaic forms, reject ‘out-of-hand’ any translation utilizing thou sayest or the such language.

Thus this work. It is submitted as precisely what is found in the original JND, with only the archaic forms made contemporary. The word order, punctuation, paragraphing, indeed every possible detail has remained faithful to its predecessor. Only the footnotes could not be included in this edition, yet we trust they may be included in the future. It was deemed wisest to present the work in its current form for availability.

A large variety of sources were consulted for this work, as well as many editions of the JND translation including the Morrish edition from England which contains not a few variations. As such, this edition has one of the most comprehensive selections of Darby’s introductions available. Several of these have been edited to suit the present work, the editing consisting solely of removing some of the more technical references to textual criticism and various manuscripts, the which subject is beyond the scope of this edition. The contemporary updates made to the text have not been applied to the introductions; they retain the archaic language.

Appendix I gives a comprehensive list of every word that was changed with the reason for doing so. Nothing arbitrary has muddied these waters. The distinction between thee and you was not lost, as the next section, Conventions Used in the Text will show.

Note that great care was taken with the more difficult words when changing from archaic to contemporary. The Greek word behind the English was considered for both overt and nuance of meaning, then a dictionary published in Darby’s day was consulted and compared with a current dictionary for changes. Other faithful English translations (of which there are few) were compared for a sense of balance, and the demands of the context itself would give the final say as to which word or expression was to be used.

For those already familiar with the JND translation and who have grown to love it, this edition will read as smoothly as the original. It does not jar the sensibilities. It is submitted as a supply for a need which God has opened by bringing this once obscure translation to light.

The Editors, 2016