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Hebrew Translation Service by Chapter - First Chronicles

Hebrew Translation Service by Chapter - First Chronicles


If you have ever wondered what Ezekiel’s vision of the new temple describes, or how the tabernacle was built (it was round, not rectangular), or what Ecclesiastes is really getting at about life, you have, like so many others, encountered the frustrating problem of determining the translation. A search will often reveal that there are more differing scholars’ opinions than a layman is equipped to sort through. This service provides a customized for you English translation of any chapter from the Old Testament.

This service supports the ongoing translation of the entire Old Testament from the Hebrew from the meanings of the letters and roots themselves without relying on lexicons or Hebrew dictionaries. This will not be cut-and-paste, but dynamically put together from the text and its context. All names of persons or places will be footnoted with their actual Hebrew meaning. Weights, measurements, and time units will be clarified as far as the text itself provides meaningful information. Historical parameters will be noted if relevant. Special considerations will be noted where they emerge.

This will be a fresh look at the text that does not depend on commentaries, common assumptions, or vague excuses for awkward passages. As such, you may get a fairly straightforward account like Second Kings 4:8-37 [Insert Link] or you may get an entirely new perspective like Genesis 37 [Insert Link]. If there are special reasons why a particular chapter requires clarification, i can address that in the process.

Normally the translation process is two days, but allow for a week for the work to complete.

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