Carved (Sculpted) Sculpture Base

Carved (Sculpted) Sculpture Base


This is a base for displaying your sculpture. It can be made to your specifications. This one is a solid four pounds, and is not going anywhere when you bump it. The design has reversed the tree: the roots have been cut to make the top, and the branches of the tree widen for the base. Some of the carving follows the natural curves, some of it contrasts with them. This is a 'rescue' bush so I am not sure of the species. He is exactly ten inches high, 9-1/2" at the widest part of the base, and 6-1/2" at the narrowest.

There are a number of breathtakingly beautiful sculptures on Etsy and elsewhere. One thing they tend to have in common is a base which does not measure up to the sculpture. This is an example of what my shop can turn out for you.

The common characteristic of this design will be the use of the natural beauty of the branch/root relationship, carved to give as much or as little of its own personality, so as not to detract from the sculpture.

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